Virgil Does Things

A little about me

Hey, I'm Virgil. I'm hosting this site on neocities on my own hardware, from my bedroom. Why am I doing it like this, instead of just putting it on neocities? Because I believe that selfhosting is the best way to contribute to the internet. That's because it's safe, private, customisable and free - the only thing you pay for is hardware, power and the time you wasted spent doing this. Excluding hardware, that's a lot less than most hosting providers.

Who I am

When I'm not on the internet, I live in a little place on planet earth called Switzerland and firmly believe Schwiizerdüütsch is its own language. Not a dialect, a language. I've been interested in server hosting since around 2018, but only really started doing so around 3-4 years later when I remembered an old PC I had lying around in my basement. That's a different story, though. Away from computers I enjoy working out, sailing, rowing, rugby and my partner (they/them). I play lots of games, especially No Man's Sky, Satisfactory and anything like that. For a while I ran a couple Minecraft servers, and I intend to do so again soon. When I have time.

What I do

Well, where do I even begin? I swear I have so many things going on at once, I can barely even keep track of them all on good days. The LGBTA wiki has been fairly high on the focus list for a while, but as have the many filmmaking projects I try and work on. Rowing also takes up a lot of attention, but as does writing. There's truly a whole lot to keep track of.
Some of my projects I write about on here, sometimes, when I have time and energy to write. They're typically very random, and completely depend on what I feel like doing - Things.
Things that interest me.

I got this code from Tom Scott's website. Hopefully, I've changed it enough for him not to mind.